Earlier I asked How did DeLay get to his post?, because I was incredulous over a demand by Senator DeLay that Congress reassert its "authority over Congress".
I don't know which country he lives in, but the one I live in there is a separation of powers, and the Legislative, Judicial and Administrative branches of government are separate and distinct.
In any case, the full story is worse than I could have imagined. Because DeLay's comments were part of a convention bent on reestablishing the U.S. as a Theocracy.
In theocracy they trust (By Michelle Goldberg, April 11, 2005, SALON.COM)
The article puts this vision forward
Having won control of two branches of the federal government, the activists of the religious right have come to see the courts as the intolerable obstacle thwarting their dream of a reborn Christian nation. They believe in a revisionist history, taught in Christian schools and spread through Christian media, which claims biblical law as the source of the Constitution. Thus any ruling that contradicts their theology seems to them to be de facto unconstitutional, and its enforcement tyrannical.
Some believe that the problem can be rectified by replacing liberal judges with conservative ones. Others, noting that even judges appointed by Republicans often rule against them, have become convinced that they must destroy the federal judiciary itself. Thus, ideas offered at the conference ranged from ending the filibuster and impeaching all but the most right-wing judges to abolishing all federal courts below the Supreme Court altogether. At least one panelist dropped coy hints about murder.
And, we see that Stalin is their role model:
What to do about communist judges in thrall to Beelzebub? Vieira said, "Here again I draw on the wisdom of Stalin. We're talking about the greatest political figure of the 20th century…He had a slogan, and it worked very well for him whenever he ran into difficulty. 'No man, no problem.'"
Fortunately the conference was only 200 people. But they are influential, and we can expect the Republican Party will end up pushing some of the agenda.
Here's a little more about their point of view:
Christian Reconstructionism calls for a system that is both radically decentralized, with most government functions devolved to the county level, and socially totalitarian. It calls for the death penalty for homosexuals, abortion doctors and women guilty of "unchastity before marriage," among other moral crimes. To be fair, Phillips told me that "just because a crime is capital doesn't mean you must impose the death penalty. It means it's an option." Public humiliation, he said, could sometimes be used instead.
Indeed, the whole article paints a very scary picture of a fundamentalist Christian government bent on stomping real hard on any activity that doesn't fit within their narrow minded version of reality. And, whats worse, is that they intend to use the Bible as the source for their authority, claiming the Bible to be the "Word of God" when in truth it is anything but that.
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