More than anything the administrations of the George's (George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush) are defined by their work with the Neo-Conservative factions. These are hard-core ideologues who have been hanging out with one another for decades holding positions of power and pushing their hard-core dreams through those positions of power.
One of their pet projects was creating a think tank called The Project for a New American Century. Through this thinktank they pushed a hardline megalomaniacial plan to, basically, use America's power to take over the world. In my thinking these people are dangerous, and will only lead America into more wars.
The second Gulf War is simply one example. Especially as it is precisely the war which they had been preaching during the Clinton presidency. That it would be the first stage in a plan (this is the public face of the agenda) to establish moderate democracy in the Middle East. Further their plan required following the toppling of Iraq with the toppling of either Syria or Iran's governments (or both). As the worlds sole remaining superpower, their theory is that "we" have the responsibility to put our stamp on the world, molding the world in the shape of our beautiful precident of open democracy.
What sheer megalomania! First, how can you force democracy on others? Isn't democracy something which a society chooses of its own accord? Then secondly, what right do we have to make decisions for other societies in how they govern themselves?
Apparently something else is at play. It wouldn't have anything to do with the stockpile of critical raw materials (e.g. Oil) that are located in the Middle East? And what of the "Earth Island" concept, namely that if you look at where the bulk of the worlds land mass is, it is in Central Asia. If you control Central Asia, you then would control the world, through having the bulk of the worlds resources.
The Rise of the Vulcans: [April 8, 2004; reviewed at Salon.COM; Martin Sieff;]: Vice President Dick Cheney; Secretary of State Colin Powell; National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice; Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld; Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. What kind of people are they, these viceroys of American foreign policy who serve at the behest of the Emperor George III, second ruler of the Bush Dynasty? James Mann tries to answer that question in his ambitious new book "Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet." Yet for all its obvious high-minded seriousness -- indeed, largely because of it -- this is a frustrating though valuable read.
... It is important to note, as Mann does, that Bush's "Vulcans," named after the Roman god of heavy industry and weapons of war, are all still Cold Warriors in the recesses of their souls. The bulk of Mann's book deliberately does not deal with the changed world of 9/11 and what resulted from it. Some 80 percent of his text is devoted to the rise and shaping of his protagonists in the 35 years that preceded recent dire events.
... There is no hint here of the Wolfowitz of reality as documented already two years ago by Bob Woodward in "Bush at War," the Wolfowitz who within 48 hours of 9/11, while the hellish flames were still burning at ground zero and the death clouds had not yet dissipated over Manhattan, was already urging the president to focus on invading Iraq rather than hunting down al-Qaida for no better reason than it would be easier to do.
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