Friday, January 6, 2006 | Let us prey

Joe Conason, Salon.COM, is providing us this think-piece about the role of Religion in the Halls of Power. Let us prey Jack Abramoff and his deeply religious right-wing cronies express their "biblical worldview" by swindling Indian tribes and bribing legislators. Verily, mysterious are the ways of the Lord.. There is an array of scandals hitting Washington circling around illegal bribery, and other schemes to defraud and lie. The people doing these illegal acts also claim to be led by the Voice of God, and to be leading the fight to reintroduce Morality into American life.

An example cited is the era of the Clinton Impeachment. Tom DeLay claimed his justification for seeking impeachment was Clinton held the "wrong worldview". In another context he explained the worldview thusly:

Several years ago, at one of many fundamentalist meetings he has addressed, DeLay explained: "He [God] has been walking me through an incredible journey, and it all comes down to worldview. He is using me, all the time, everywhere, to stand up for biblical worldview in everything that I do and everywhere I am. He is training me, He is working with me."

So one wonders how bribery, cheating, etc is something God is leading DeLay to do?

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